Saturday, July 18, 2009

On My Wishlist

OK, time for a little reality check. My current level of spending is not sustainable. I've tried shopping bans before, but this one has really got to stick. You know that trip to Paris I was supposed to be saving for? Well, I've somehow ended up with even less savings than I had before! Something has gotta give.

So, here's how I see it. I am passionate about good design and supporting small businesses, and my life would be dully-McDullsville if I somehow tried to abandon that part of my life completely. Hence, this new feature, "On My Wishlist." It is my attempt to prioritize all of the beautiful things that stream through my Google reader on a daily basis. If it's worth adding to my official wishlist, it's worth considering for future purchase. Emphasis on "future;" I have to start thinking more about what I buy before I whip out my debit or credit card...

So, with all that out of the way, let's get to the fun stuff. The first two items "On My Wishlist:"

1. An *emera camera bag (top 2 photos), found via Cup of Jo. I actually feel pretty good about this one because it falls into the "needs" category. I really do need a proper camera bag...preferably one as stylish as this.

2. An AK Vintage necklace. I've been seeing these all over Chelsea's new street-style blog Urban Weeds, and I really adore them. One of my favorites is pictured above. This item falls more into the "wants" category, but a girl's gotta live, right?

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