Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Journal of Plants and Some Old Peonies

I've been buying way too many books lately (though I often wonder if one can ever have too many books...), but when I saw that Maria Vettese and Lena Corwin had a new collaboration out, Journal of Plants, I didn't even try to resist. There are no words to say how much these two artists inspire me, and you just can't put a price tag on that. As long as they make books, I will buy them. It's just a given.

The bottom photo here, although appropriate for today's plant theme, is not from the book. It's a months' old photo I took of some peonies that lasted only a day (that's what I get for buying peonies on super sale at Whole Foods), but at least I can still enjoy this photo. And that's one of the things I love about photography. You can capture something fleeting and perishable, like food or flowers, and enjoy them forever.

1 comment:

nikole said...

i think i'll have to have that journal of plants too, it's beautiful.