...sort of. The busy times have passed, but it's always difficult for me to get back to normal life after buzzing about. I've also just started a new workout regimen and it's kicking my butt right now, but I'm trying to stick with it, even if it means I don't have as much energy for blogging. I've actually been meaning to post for the past couple of days, but it took a comment from a reader to nudge me to actually do it (thanks, Lori!).
Anyhoo, about the photos above. This past weekend one of my best friends in the whole world got married to one of the sweetest, funniest guys I know. I've spent the past year hanging on to every detail as she planned for the big day, and it was so special to finally see it all unfold. It was lovely dear friend and so perfectly you.
She's off on her honeymoon now...and it's a long one. A co-worker commented the other day that I seemed to have lost some pep in my step, and that's probably true. It's hard to go from talking to someone practically every day to not seeing them at all for several weeks. I've almost made it through the first week though. Only 1.5 weeks to go!
Hey Lori:
No, you didn't sound like a blog stalker! It's actually really nice to have readers anxiously awaiting my return. : )
Yep, that's a female officiant.
I'm not sure about the brand of the shoes. I know she got them from Anthropologie. I think they're probably a brand they sell called Miss Albright.
Congrats on the 6.5 pounds!
From the details you shared here it looked like a beautiful wedding and I LOVE the shoes!!
If I can twist your arm to come for a visit this summer for my baby shower I really hope you'll take some pictures. ;)
Good luck with the new workout plan!
Beryl Ayn! No twisting of arms needed! I wouldn't miss your baby shower for the world. I hope the pregnancy is going well.
i missed you!
what beautiful photos! love the yellow shoes.
: )
Love the personal touch of the yellow shoes. Lovely and also my fave color. Glad you're back ;)
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